A good day on the 22. The bus is chill. It is sunny. A rare ride of leisure, knowing well I would have roughly two hours with no appointments, depending on when the bus finally crawled past my work. Personal soundtrack: Bob Marley's Mister Brown, very apropos for Fillmore and McAllister. At Fillmore and Geary an immense, motherly black woman gets on toting two handles of KFC. She sits down one seat removed from me, sets one bag on the seat between us, the other in her lap and goes to town eating the chicken. It smells so good. I put the song on repeat. She is a very adept fried chicken eater. No crumbs. No grease on her LA Lakers jersey. I close my eyes and taste the KFC deeply in my nose and listen to Bob Marley.
- JRo
photo compliments of Art Bowers
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