Just another creeper story.
He sits next to me and he smells like outside, like a boy playing in fallen leaves all day, sweat and wind, but he's a man. His jeans have a a dirty sheen to them, but he looks like any white guy U.S.A.
He sits with his legs a little apart. At the next stop his legs are a little farther apart and his knee is touching mine.
It's the bus, I left my body bubble when I took my transfer, but there really is no need for us to be touching knees - so I move away a bit.
He does this shift like he's adjusting his jacket and his knee is up against mine again. With each progressive stop his legs get a little wider and a little wider, my face is smashed against grafitti, until I, "Seriously, dude."
He looks at me.
"If you get any closer to me I am going to be out the window."
He jumps up and exits.
Three blocks later I look out the window and he is walking the sidewalk along with the bus and looking back in the window right at me.
I flip him off, which the Mexican kitchen worker to my right, wrongly interprets as meant for him, but I don't bother to explain.
-photo compliments of eviloars
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